Friday, September 11, 2009

Equality -vs- Freedom...

What do you value more? Freedom, or Equality? Because, if you think about it, they two opposing values...

Freedom would be having the liberty given to people to choose a shirt of the colour they like.

Equality, on the other hand, tries to ensure that everyone wears the shirt of the same colour.

So you see... promoting equality necessarily restricts freedom. (Yes I know it's not so simple, but think about the idea... or give me your definition of freedom).

Any set of laws (or to generalize, behaviour-inducing incentives) necessarily achieve a compromise between the two values. However, people are NOT born equal, only born free... Whenever the laws (policies?) tend more towards equality than towards a freedom, there seems to be a problem. (e.g. China, Russia, reservations, affirmative action to name a few).

P.S: I personally value freedom more than equality. People who value equality more... I'd like to know your views please. It would be interesting.


  1. Freedom = Having the right to discuss the true meaning of freedom and equality.

    Equality = Everyone having the right to discuss the true meaning of freedom and equality.

    In essence - they're one and the same thing. Dude you seem to have gone to a whole new level of surrealism.. Are you married yet? If not then do so :-)

  2. @BBT: What's marriage gotta do with it? :)

  3. Coz your wife will give you all the answers you need and you'll stop posting this inane stuff :-P

  4. @BBT: Well maybe, or it could just spectacularly backfire and the blog might get worse :-P

  5. haha.. the blog will flip out if your wife is involved.. lol
